Local banks and credit unions are experiencing an increase in fraudulent activity. Some of their customers are receiving phony text messages and telephone calls claiming to be from their bank. Caller identification even appears as though it is from their institution’s phone number. Please note that the Bank of Millbrook will never ask for your personal or account information via a text message, telephone call, or email. Please contact us immediately at (845) 677-5321 if you are ever in doubt about a text message, telephone phone call, or email claiming to be from the Bank of Millbrook.


Logo for Bank of Millbrook (845) 677.5321

Form Downloads

We are always happy to help you at the Bank of Millbrook

New Accounts

Interested in opening a new account? Please visit one of our locations.

Checking Account Balancing

Use this handy form to help reconcile your checking account.

Reconciliation Form

Online Banking Forms

Review our User Agreement and Complete an Enrollment Form to bank easier with Online Banking.

User Agreement

Enrollment Form

Reset Your Password

Use these easy instructions to reset your Online Banking password.

Password Reset Instructions


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